Tuesday, May 16, 2006
No way to detect bombs in cargo???? :–(
We know for fact that Philippines are lack of security facilities to detect and monitor bomb threats especially in the cargo. But you must have to do an alternative way on how to monitor those threats. This is a lives of every Filipino that are depending on your promptness, alertness and most vital of all; their security & safety. I am calling the attention of every Ports in the Philippines to be very creative & responsible in keeping all the passengers in safety.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
National Printing Office Used!
As “Lawyer Melanio “Batas” Mauricio said publication of the primers could amount to technical malversation if it was established that PIA funds, allocated by Congress, were used in the project.
“If their fund is allocated for other purpose, that’s technical malversation,” Mauricio said in an interview.
“This can also be a violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act because you’re giving undue advantage to a sector of government pushing for Charter change,” he said.” excerpt from this url http://news.inq7.net/nation/index.php?index=1&story_id=75511
Mr. NPO OIC-Director, in my own opinion I do not believed that you did not spend single centavo in printing the “Primer on Charter Change”. You are fooling us all. We know that if you print; you use electricity; you use papers, you use a lot of man power, you use other materials needed to print that PCC. You are deeply hurting us; by saying that you “Did not spend a single centavo”.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Oil Price Hike!
Aside from a rampant advertisement by both government and private sector regarding on how to save electricity, water and most especially the oil itself is that “I am appealing to Oil Company of the Philippines that they must have to sacrifice a certain margin on their products.” We know for the fact that this company are earning and it will never be bankrupt nor non-earning because this is one of the vital products that our country needed most.
We are Filipino; we must help each other to survive; let your hand be our hand so that no one will be left behind. Let us eradicate our crab mentally.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Reject CHA-CHA!
I am with Akbayan Reps. Rosales; I do agree that the President is very obsessed to hold on to power. Filipino is shouting out "REJECT CHA-CHA". The credibility of the President is like a weak building that in anytime it will collapse. Instead of focusing more on Charter-change why not do something else to help our country be more competitive in any aspect. A lot of investors around the world love to have a businesses here in the Philippines but there is a problem????? Filipino people don’t have unity; we have this so-called crab mentality, a lot of good people convert into criminal; due to lack of Jobs, no food, poor education & most especially no shelter to live on. We will do it Not tomorrow, not next week, not next month nor NOT next year but NOW!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Uphold the Rule of Law "Secretary"
I have heard your comment in the TV News that you are going to appeal regarding what the Supreme Court has just decided. It only means you are not satisfied in the decision. We all know that the PP 1017 is “Constitutional” but what we are fighting for is that the way they implemented it. Under this rule; warrantless arrest; dispersing of the legitimate rallies is “Unconstitutional”. Sec. Gonzales please remember that you are a Justice Secretary of the Republic of the Philippines; your mandate is to “UPHOLD THE RULE OF LAW” for the citizens of the Philippines NOT to criticize fellow Filipino.
Healing Wonders of Diet "Effective Guide to Diet Therapy"
I have red this book for a short period of time and I really admire the authors for the effort and sacrifices they have rendered to make this book a successful one. Healing wonders of Diet is one of the BEST book I truly respect and recommend to all the people in this world.
It consists of Four (4) Interrelated sections:
Part – 1 Health Disorders. Common health problems and diseases are listed and described, with a discussion on their causes and possible symptoms.
Part – 2 Diet Therapy. Various dietary regimens are provided to meet the food requirements of those with health disorders. A short description of the kind of diet for a particular ailment introduces you to a 3-day Menu Sample.
Part – 3 Recipes. Vegetarian recipes designed for the 3-day Menu Sample in the previous section are arranged alphabetically.
Part – 4 Appendix. This section includes other important items to help you follow the dietary prescription, like the things you need in planning a well-balanced vegetarian meal. (excerpt from the back cover of the book)
I would like to take this opportunity to say "THANK YOU" to the following authors:
Blecenda Miranda Varona, R.N.D., M.P.H.
Maria Elena Tablante Godoy, R.N.D.
David Arsulo Varona
“ Good health is impossible without good nutrition."
For more information about this book: Please call 567-4581 and look for Mr. Mir-Mel Miranda.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Three Unprofessional Cabinet Members
Stop! Activists Killings
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Calibrated Preemptive Response Unconstitutional
Furthermore; I am with Sen. Angara of the Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LDP), in urging the government to speed up the flow of financial assistance to micro, small, and medium enterprises to create jobs and provide more income to Filipinos, especially those in the countryside. I believed that this would indeed help our countrymen to start a business on their own.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Fertilizer Fund Scam. Why?
Why is this happening? P728-million is a lot of money wherein poor Filipino people are the one who owned the money. I believed for the fact that this money was spend successfully but in an illegal way. Like for instance, original cost per liter of a Prime EC brand of fertilizer is only P150.00/liter, but why is that the NGO’s & PO’s bought it at P1,500.00/liter or an excess cost of 1,000 percent? This is a rampant overpricing! Why is this happening? Is it for the interests of the Administration or ?. Filipino people must have to know what is happening. This is our money (Filipino people); and most importantly we spend our life and blood just to pay our taxes and yet it will only spend into an interest of few people that has the power to do it.
The worst part of this is that the documents that COA needed to Audit is that part of P728-million amounting to P49-million was transferred to Region VIII Regional Field unit was gutted into a fire.
We need to have an explanation on these allegations. We must have to know what is happening in every single centavo that we Filipino people are paying.
“Love your country as it is yourself”
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Microsoft Business Summit in Dagupan
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For interested corporate parties: Pls. email mmph@microsoft.com or call Bitstop, Inc. @ 522-1264/65 for more information.
Cha-cha, S-T-O-P it!
“Lambino said STOP Cha-cha is an elitist move to block the Poor’s clamor for charter change.” excerpt from this site http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/topofthehour.aspx?StoryId=37134
Poor’s clamor? This is not what the Filipino is shouting about; I believed that this is only your own opinion. Filipino poor people are clamoring for food, jobs, good & competitive education, medicines and a lot more. So please we beg you S-T-O-P charter change.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Negosyo Ka D'yan

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Participating Store : Bitstop, Inc.
Kaya pasok na, Buy na, Now na!